Crack must be delicious. Its the only explanation for what I saw today as I drove around my new city. I think I already mentioned that if I go north of my place and cross the highway things get a little sketchy. So I've learned not to walk that way anymore but driving on a Sunday morning is another matter. I was heading over to the local Goodwill to do some donating along with running a couple other errands before the football games started. It was a balmy 19 degrees so foot traffic was light which made what I'm talking about stick out that much more.
As I pulled up to stop at a light a woman in t-shirt shorts and fuzzy slippers was furiously lighting and sucking on a glass pipe. She inhaled for what I knew was a complete red light cycle because the turn lane people started to move forward. I was transfixed as she blew out a pillar of smoke that doubled her height. her arms went out to her sides nailed to a cross style which revealed her hastily assembeld outfit.
It seemed that securing both breasts within the confines of her brazier was not a priority. Before you accuse me of letchery I already told you it was under twenty degrees so both of her temperature indicators were at maximum extension. To the point that the one contained by the undergarment was pointing directly at me and casting a shadow. The escapee however was pointed straight down at her left slipper. But that wasn't even the problem. She was just stuck there. Like the Matrix glitched.
I had to go when the light turned but I circled around and she was still standing there looking at nothing. Luckily her hands had come to her sides in a lizard brain move of self preservation and someone was yelling at her as they walked in her direction. The woman doing the yelling was carrying a spare jacket so this wasn't something new going on in the crucified crackheads life. That drug is a monster.