Another in a strange series of firsts today as Valentines Day popped up and me with no one to fuss over. Feels an odd mix of nice and breathtakingly lonely. Not lonely in the really sad mope around kind of way but in the actual alone sense of the word. This arctic weather doesn't help. Yesterday I ventured out to run some much needed errands and hated every exposed to these elements minute of it. I got gas, bought groceries, dropped off some dry cleaning, etc. Just a boring Saturday with some things to do.
Speaking of shopping (man, my segues are out of practice as that one would have been better served a full sentence earlier) I am learning some lessons as I get used to shopping for myself. I thought I had this whole thing down but in some areas I have no idea what to buy. I’ve been trying new things and finding out fast that I have strong opinions. One of the themes of this new lifestyle is to quickly walk away from mistakes no matter what they cost. I am cheap by nature so this is a painful lesson but one that prevents me from hoarding absolutely anything.
Case in point; I threw away an entire roasted chicken last night because I couldn't get past the taste. I am convinced that someone at the store poured lemon floor cleaner into the broiler along with the lemon roasters to see if anyone would notice. Well I did and it had to go. Former and still cheap me would have taken all the meat off of the bone and tried to incorporate it into some other recipe as not to lose the entire investment. Nope, I had to literally go with my gut and take a pass on the potentially harmful but definitely bad tasting bird. So foul (it's okay, I'll wait until you fully appreciate that) in fact that I walked it down to the trash chute immediately.
And speaking of garbage (that one felt much better) my friends were making fun of me because I don't have a garbage can in the kitchen. I don't get it because my system works perfectly for me. I have a bag attached to the fridge via suction hook. I don't walk dogs anymore so I have no good use for shopping bags and literally every time I leave this building I walk past the trash chute. A can don't make no sense. Wait, I'll show you.
Some of those same friends were shocked that I have furniture and towels and the like. As if slow-adult-tom was just moving into the scary world all by his big boy self for the first time. Okay, that might be true, but I am capable of securing basic comforts for myself. I also need to find a way to politely turn down housewarming gifts. Plants keep showing up and the most recent addition is a candle. I've never been much of a candle guy but this thing is too big to say I misplaced it. I might have to wait a year before I can falsely claim to have used it up.
I keep telling myself that folks are being nice. I'm going to invent a single person who moved into a new place gift registry. Mine would just say alcohol but I'm sure other humans might want actual stuff. From now on I am going to ask. OR just continue on with my tradition of gifting something I would like to drink... Yup, that.