This is where I live now
Things are opening up in my neighborhood and one of my pre-COVID favorite spots is showing signs of life. Out for a walk and I heard chainsaws which is weird but further investigation revealed the depicted treat. There is no chance that my Diet Coors bottle mountains will be anything but bright blue as they rest on an ice bar.
In other news my brother got me a weighted vest for Christmas to enhance my walks. After a couple trials this apparatus will be shelved until spring. My center of gravity is already abnormal due to my Flintstonian body type. Then when you add a weight vest designed for an average sized human (I think the ride around the gut of a normal person) I turn downright top heavy.
This became treacherous as I navigated a steep downhill while wearing the damn thing. As I began to slip I crouched down and widened my stance which normally works. No traction plus unfamiliar body balance placed me quickly on my ass. Worse yet was the thirty yard slide that only ended because of some subpar shoveling. A literal pain in my ass.
I could probably benefit from some better boots but current economic conditions find me financially cautious, aka cheap.