Add orange skies that feel like breathing a bonfire to the list of things to love about living in this state. Apparently Canadia is ablaze and they are exporting a fair amount of smoke our way. It’s downright creepy outside right now and it’s a full three hours from sunset. It really does look like a movie set in the end times. The pictures don’t do it justice but everything has an orange haze.
I thought this picture would illustrate the weird sky but my watering eyes deceived me. My neighbor is on her balcony coughing like she just cleared a 3ft bong all by herself and I want so badly to suggest she move inside… but then I noticed her windows were open. This might be one of the slowest suicide attempts on record or she is just camping nostalgic. I am no doctor but my guy says she should be walking around with scuba gear on at the very least. A working surplus spacesuit would be the prudent choice. Other peoples problems…
Again the orange glow that my naked but plasticly enhanced and admittedly cloudy eyes are perceiving does not show up on the phone. You are probably picking up some orange hues but that would be from the recently painted porch/balcony side slats. This is brought to me by the slowest painting crew I have ever witnessed and I was a painter for a couple summers so that’s saying a lot. I timed their afternoon workload because they were on my lanai and in the back four hours of the day 46 total minutes were spent on the project. Once that was done I had to ask myself if I was anymore productive whilst keeping tabs on them… nope. I’m going to give up anymore attempts to represent what I’m seeing and just tell you that this sucks.
I can’t imagine what it’s like for the humans who live close to this conflagration. At some point I think you just start driving until you see the sky again. In related news I’m driving back to Illinois tomorrow night after work to enjoy my Father’s Day weekend. Hopefully see some of my friends Friday and or Saturday night and the kids Saturday and Sunday as well as my parents. This should also serve as a lack of content warning. You’re welcome.