that'll wake you right up
Yesterday morning I had to walk the two blocks outside due to the laziness of my building’s security force. If I don’t wait until exactly 6:10am to head to work I have to wait for them to open our share of the skyway or shuffle my fat ass outside. I wear a winter coat but no hat gloves etc because if everything goes right on my route it’s 3 minutes ish from warmth to warmth. My justification is if those cold plunge trend followers can handle that stupidity then I can easily get this little jaunt done.
So cold was the previous morning that I immediately checked the weather once I breached the doors of my work building. Holy No Shit I was cold. I had to pause at the intersection for a bus and strongly considered risking the steps off the curb but my lizard brain reminded me that the people driving the overnight routes in this city have seen some shit and are not to be trifled with.
So that was the start to my day and it never got better. I am happy to report that my core temperature got back into the normal range around noon but I never felt right all day. I don’t like to admit it to myself or certainly here on the line but work got to me. I try to take things as they come and the therapy triggered by my recent lifezaster has really helped in this area but yesterday can fuck all the way off.
I’m not going into detail because I’ve already established it’s not fair to my company or the people I work with. I will say that this has my brain working overtime. As the great Cal Naughton Jr once said “My head's all tied up like...a pretzel! I got a pretzel in my head!” I’m going to have to leave it like that for now.
In other news this apartment search has me all jumbled up as well. I thought this would be so easy… I am dumb. I think I’ll narrow things down in a couple weeks and then just pick. Worst case I suffer for a year and look for another part of this town in which to reside. I have also reconsidered downsizing my mattress. I slept on the queen last night and I didn’t love my feet hanging off the bottom. Besides, its only a foot wider and 4 inches longer that the queen. I just need to suck it up and ditch the bullshit mattress I got scammed on.
Not really scammed, just a victim of internet marketing not living up to the hype. I will buy my next bed somewhere I can go try them out. I am seriously considering donating this big piece of shit before the move and starting over once I get to the new place. Not positive yet about a single thing in my life so that can just get thrown on the pile. And speaking of piles…
That terrible picture was taken because I can’t figure out where all the pigeons have gone this winter. I am actively working the case of the disappearing birds and apparently I have stumbled upon their bathroom. In an almost abandoned section of the skyway the window and those ledges across from it are covered with the stuff. An alarming amount. It is off-putting to say the least. You’re welcome. And speaking of off-putting if you zoom in on the picture you can see my I-might-be-homeless-as-well-so-don’t-bother-me outfit reflected in the door. I am nothing if not classy at all times.