Take a day
I am having the weirdest day. Not bad, just weird. My company has decided that we need to take fewer Mondays off because our member companies don’t take those same Monday holidays off so this year we have some random Fridays thrown in this being one. I’m not sure how I feel about this Friday off out of nowhere. Oh crap, I can’t do this. Wait a second…
That initial horrendous paragraph was brought to you by one of my friends. Last weekend when we met for the Super Bowl I thought one of my buddies was having really weird conversations on speakerphone. He was holding his device right up to his mouth and over-annunciating. It was weird enough that I really paid attention when all of a sudden I noticed he was speaking punctuation.
What in the name of Holy Speak & Spell are you doing? My friend explained that texting takes too long and voice to text is easier. He likes to get thoroughly high so this made some sense. Texting is hard once the keys start moving around but I still laughed. In fact, once you see it you can’t not notice, so for the rest of the weekend I was highly (no pun intended but I’ll take ‘em when they show up) entertained any time he “wrote” on his phone.
It must have burrowed into my brain because before I knew what was happening I was yelling at my tablet producing that opening turd. Yikes. I’m leaving that pile of hot garbage to remind myself that I am a better writer than a story yeller.
In other news I did a final walk through of my new place and I am excited to be moving closer to work in downtown Saint Paul. My new abode was built in 1889 and I’ll get some pictures once I move in next month. I’m currently awaiting bids from moving companies. I am relocating 1.8 miles from my current home and I really don’t have much so I’m not looking to take a big hit here. Seriously, I’m typing this to kill time between calls. In winter, on my own, I don’t day off well.