Sunday notsofunday
First off being a football fan is hard especially when your team can’t figure out how to win. I could save myself a lot of aggravation if I just stopped watching altogether but I love so much about this game. I need to put on my big boy pants and get ready for a week of shit talking from everyone I know who is not a Chicago fan. I was feeling sorry for myself until I arrived here in the airport lounge.
The couple formerly seated next to me hate each other. I’m hoping this is a temporary condition brought on by travel but if that’s the case they must be at the end of circumnavigating the planet. So far she has taken shots at his hairline and dick size after he told her she didn’t need anymore food. They have currently separated themselves but from my perch in the bar area I can observe them both. They are roughly the same size and if violence were to occur my money is on the wife. Anyone who is willing to attack dick size in public will have no decorum during a physical altercation.
So scary is she that I’ve been typing with my head down this entire time after being caught looking in her direction. Partially my fault because as I reviewed the interaction I most likely had an ear to ear grin. Rookie observer mistake and I have since dawned my mask of impartiality.
I’m here eating and drinking as much as possible before my trip to counteract the greedy pricks at Delta who will be screwing with my status and lounge access when the year changes. I pay for a ridiculous card which paid for itself through benefits now scheduled to go away. I will be cancelling the car but before I do they will feel my presence. I need to get back to work because consumption at this level takes concentration and hard work. I’ll try to post from the desert but this week is really long days… 5:30am to 10:30pm pass out and repeat through Friday.
Before I go, the falls were putting on a show this morning