Had a great weekend with the boy. Took him around the city a bit and introduced him to some of my favorite restaurants. We ate so much in fact that I am still full today. He is all in on the cult next door.
I thought things might get bumpy as I had my COVID shot Friday night out of nowhere. I have a coworker who is a vidshot appointment getting savant. by the time she was through with me on Wednesday I had three choices locked down and I kept getting notifications of openings through Saturday. I went to the convention center as ordered and waited in line for 45 minutes. Once I got through I sat at a table and the lovely woman told me that I was getting the Johnson & Johnson juice. It was a lottery win for me as I would not require a second shot.
The only downer of the whole experience was when she warned me that this shot might hurt a little more because its "thicker." Wait, what? Don't say that... Now you planted it in my head so of course I'm going to feel Mrs. Butterworths flowing through my shoulder. Complete nonsense.
Then you go sit in an auditorium with a giant clock on the wall where you are observed for 15 more minutes. I thought that step seemed unnecessary until a dude three rows over slid from his chair to the floor. The nurses helped him up and escorted him over to holding pen #2. I have no idea how long he had to stay. As I sauntered out he was head down, elbows on knees, with a cold pack on the back of his neck. Probably got a little woozy thinking about shot viscosity.