It feels like I haven’t written here in a long time but it’s just been one of those weeks. Like many in the world this pesky global pandemic affects my livelihood. You might be calling me stupid right now and that would be fair but I’m three months into a new gig and now and the ground is made of sand. I made this choice to take on a completely different role of my own free will but I’m having regrets.
I don’t work well for indecisive people. I don’t need to agree with the decisions but I do require said same. My current tally is 4 major projects awaiting direction and three minor questions growing old. The delay tactics are so weak that it’s really hard to keep a straight face. I bring these up in our weekly meetings and am answered with platitudes I could swear were the result of a google search. ‘Hmmm, interesting. Let me get back to you on that.” Wash, rinse, repeat.
Apologies for the whining but I’m sitting here on this fridge Saturday morning mopping up a mess that should have been handled long before I took over. Rather than mumble and swear to myself I decided to write it down. Okay, I didn’t start out thinking I would begin bitching. This was supposed to be a break from that frustrating chore and I let it bleed through right away. My bad, moving on.
I started my new apartment hunt in earnest last night in the midst of a blizzard. I could do that because the first place I looked at is connect to my office by the Saint Paul Human Habitrail system known as the Skyway. Downtown St. Paul is a little on the shitty side depending where you live. This is not unlike most cities but this downtown is struggling to figure out what the hell it wants to be. Maybe that’s why I like it so much because I’m going through the same thing right now.
Anyway, the first place I looked at was a converted old something from the late 1800s and while it was cool looking it’s not for me. Their rent was a weird loss leader. It seemed like an average amount for a one bedroom place until you added up all of the extra fees required for normal life. I take notes while I tour these things and I’m pretty sure the listing agent saw me write Spirit Airlines Apartments. It only hurt because it’s true.
The hunt will be on pause for a week as I’m heading to Denver for work but I’ve got a couple tours scheduled for next weekend. I also flirted with buying something until the recent snow storms reminded me about the joys of shoveling and maintenance in general so I shut that thought down right away.
These are the danger times for me. It’s cold as hell and I’m bored in the house. I have got to start talking to someone just for the entertainment value. I was comparing notes with a formerly single friend and she called me a baby for jumping out of the pool. She kept a log and tallied 17 first dates resulting in no further contact. And she has numbers on all of the variations after that. Holy horseshit I am a baby.
That will be a hotel room discussion with myself this week. I’m not looking for a serious relationship right now just someone who wants to hang out occasionally and maybe talk on the phone with some frequency. If you are one of my friends reading this I don’t mean YOU. I love every one of you but you have your own lives. I am talking about someone to share the random with... So stand down, I’m not going crazy or spiraling in some way. Just looking to take the edge off of this solo existence.
I did have a funny thought connected to my new housing search. A 55+ community which I qualify for came up. The thought of rolling in hot and dominating a pre-retirement place cracks me up. I’m not ready for that step but the possibilities make me laugh. I could chuck the dating apps and become the Bingo King… a man can dream.