I think I have reached the end of watch. And NO I'm not talking about the completion of my existence but more to the point of this early Sunday morning... the end of Cult Watch. It turns out that I have a tangental connection to the communal living and religious belief organization nicknamed something that rhymes with scoff* (don't Google that if you figure it out as I think some of the results including the right one might end you up on a watchlist or three) and I heard some things that threw me off track. My broken brain might have been romanticizing life as a participant.
I got some answers to the questions that were killing me like; Why in the hell are things so busy early on Sunday morning and then the rest of the day nothing? I'll admit that during the winter I became a bit obsessed. From about 6:00am to 7:45 it was like ants were crawling all over the place. Bringing things in and out, cars dropping off on my side which I think is now mostly an auxiliary entrance slash storage part of the compound. but then nothing. No matter how many walks around or all day football watching with one eye outside looking for motion. It was weird. (I know, duh idiot, c u l t)
The above picture is not from this morning. Its rainy and cold today so there was no way I was going out on my useless balcony just to take a picture of the mornings activity. Anyhow, the mystery of the disappearing members was solved by the discovery of all day church. Worshipping begins at eight o'clock sharp and ends well after 10:00pm which means they basically waited out my attention span. The thought of fourteen plus hours doing anything but drinking with friends gives me the creeps. This one fact alone really took the guild off of the Lily and I have no idea what that phrase even means. (wait. internet: "to add unnecessary ornamentation to something beautiful in its own right." okay, I kind of used that wrong I think but I'm already exhausted from all this typing so tough)
I wrote a pithy end to this nonsense as I sat in the golf course parking lot this morning but the iPhone app for WordPress is the opposite of good. The only reason I figured out it didn't publish was the app was open when I checked my phone a couple hours later. It was apres-golf (no idea why I just tried to fancy up after golf. and pretend French no less. I am a douche right now) so I was too tired and cranky to recreate and here I sit whilst my steaks come up to salted room temperature. I'm headed out to the community grills for my Memorial Day Sunday meal. I've got to go as I'm annoying myself at this particular moment.
*editors note: I didn't even put in the official nickname as I don't want to give these folks any press. There is also no need to screw up a potential membership in case life takes a turn on me down the road.