March has come in to my life like a muthaeffing lion if by lion you mean a mental torture test. Allow me to explain. I think I mentioned the doctor visit that led to the nutritionist that led to the food log that led to me quitting deliscous Diet Poison for a month. Well, the continuation of that story is that Diet Coke removal was just the first part of this overall plan. Next up is to fix my pseudo Keto diet eating habits. And that is turning out to be a flaming bitch of its own.
For those who don’t know I lost a bunch of weight on that diet. Turns out that is is neither sustainable nor healthy in the long run for me (that was to prevent any Atkins or Keto zealots from chirping me about carbs blah blah bullshit). My numbers are all good and I am on zero medications save for some Aleve to aid a pesky right knee that started this whole thing in the first place. No health issues other than I am the size of a teenage black bear so that is what we are trying to fix. and NO I’m not trying to become a skinny person. (if I got too thin I just wouldn’t look right to myself. I kind of like big me just not bigger me) I’m not taking up running or preparing mini lectures on various health related anything. This is just me paying the price for sins of the past. A prison of my own design if you will.
On other fronts, before this all happened I decided I would try out the dating scene again. I was pondering which awful app or site I would pay for to hopefully elevate my experience. For whatever reason this year so far has ended up being a lonely one and I have only myself to blame. BUT now that I am attempting this detox thing there is no way I’m taking a woman on a date until it’s over. Lots of reasons behind that but oddly I am most concerned about ordering specific amounts of food prepared in a way not described on the menu. I hate that so I won’t do it. Oh, and the lack of alcohol…
Speaking of lack of booze I have decided to skip out on attending my first love’s memorial gathering this weekend. First, it’s at a bar. Second, I haven’t seen her family in more than 35 years and diving back into that pool completely un-drunk aint happening. I don’t think any of my old friends are going anyway so I’m telling myself I won’t miss much and my absence won’t be noticed. I will take some time tomorrow to remember good things about her and us.
So tonight I head out to meet some friends to watch Rough N Rowdy completely sober. I’m driving to meet them because why not? This must be what it’s like for nondrinkers when they go out. huh.
And tomorrow the hunt for a new place to live begins.