I’ve been out of communication for a while and I’m afraid it’s not going to get much better in the near future. Between the full-time job and looking for a new one my time is not much my own right now but it’s the best kind of busy. It turns out all I had to do was let a few people know I might be interested and the rest seems to be taking care of itself. I’ve put all of that on hold for the next two weeks as we prepare for my company’s Super Bowl equivalent next week. In my current role a sizable chunk of the event falls on my shoulders which isn’t a bad thing, its just a thing.
But last weekend I went back to Illinois to attend my 40th High School reunion and it was worth the trip. I don’t know why I’m so entertained by the stories and just seeing people but I AM! So much great stuff. I did have one big takeaway and that was We all play different characters in the life stories of other people. I had people reminding me of things I said or did that didn’t mean much to me at the time but to the teller this was a momentous life event. Hero to some, villain to others, life and memories are funny things.
There were even some turds in attendance who I didn’t really get along with back then but I was willing to let the past be hormone filled interactions between young dumb kids. Most turned out to be lovely people and others were still steaming piles. There was a particular tool who was telling a story about me within earshot but he didn’t know I could hear. When I stood up and turned around asking if he called my name he immediately looked uncomfortable, as did his audience. So I pressed.
“Finish your hilarious anecdote… go on… I love to laugh.” He mentioned some story about me calling out after a freshman football practice and my voice cracking and he said he was glad my voice got deeper. I just stared frozen faced as he got some courtesy chuckles from his people. “You mean when my voice broke as I was coming out of puberty? Yup, that was hilarious. Have your nuts dropped yet?” It turns out that behind the back is more fun than face to face for some folks. Not me. I tried to engage one more time before he walked away. I’ll take the villain on that one.
I did run into an old friend who I dearly loved but we drifted apart because his ex wife was a flaming shrew. I met his new bride and she is awesome. She would have to be after he untangled himself from his alcoholic nightmare and decided to marry once again. In fact she has already invited me over the next time I’m in town and also volunteered to start looking for places for me to rent if I move back to the area. I like it when good things happen to good people.
There were happy stories and sad stories but most of it was funny. Holy hell I forgot some of the things we got up to back then and most agreed that this current time would not contain our particular brand of shenanigans. The photographic evidence alone could still haunt me to this day. I remember being upset that a college friend always carried one of those stupid disc cameras around… I should reach out to him and see if anything survived…
Anyhow, great weekend, I am busy, but I’ll try to find some time.