I think there are low double digit fans of this thing but people have questions and I am just bored enough to answer. Most of these come from people who read the old site and still have a way to contact me. The only way to ask on this site is in the comments for personal reasons. I will pepper this with more random walking around my neighborhood pictures. First up:
Question: How are you doing? (There are many forms of this question but they all boils down to asking how unhappy I am) Answer: I’m doing pretty good but no one answers that truthfully. If you ever want to know how someone is GO SEE THEM. Talking face to face with someone is the only real way to find anything out. Very few people who are struggling will tell you so over text or even the phone. I really am doing fine but if I wasn’t okay I wouldn’t whine about it here or in a text string.
Question: How do you like Minnesota? Answer: It’s okay. This was the right economic decision for my current situation. I’m adjusting to a new restricted financial reality and the lower cost of living helps. I’ve got friends here but nothing like I left in Illinois. The problem with my former state is I was considered 1/2 of a couple and I didn’t want to deal with the dissolution of that. Plus it would have been hard not to try and help out but it was made abundantly clear that my help was unwanted. The move also helped my career but that might not be a forever thing either. Better year round weather sure sounds nice.
Question: What if anything would you change? Answer: Not much. Other than having my core friends and family closer (2 hours away would be a sweet spot but that wasn’t an available option) things are going as predicted. Other than how absolutely horrible dating is at this stage in life in a brand new town. This electronic bullshit is not for the weak.
Question: How do you feel about marriage? Answer: I get this one quite a bit and I always follow up by asking for more qualification. Some people are asking about my future plans and I honestly don’t have any. I’m not ruling anything out as I am a bit of a closet romantic but I also am not shopping for trouble. Others are asking about my first marriage and 5ere I have no regrets. Three children that are unique individuals who I love more than my own life and a long time spent with one of the closest friends I’ll ever have. We survived some shit that would have taken lesser down and I’m proud of all that.
Something doesn’t have to last forever to be important.
And finally an unanswered question of my own: why in the hell (no church pun intended but welcomed nonetheless) is there another albeit smaller box down the street from the Cathedral of Saint Paul? extra materials lying around? Unemployed craftsman in need of busy hands?