I got an interesting proposition over the weekend and its stuck in my brain. I was talking with a friend and we were laughing about nothing and everything. In-between he said that we should record a podcast. I laughed and blew it off because its not the first time I've thought about recording the weird and awesome stuff that comes up whilst talking to friends. But for some strange reason this time the thought wont go away.
I always struggled with blogging (even typing that word just gave me a douche chill) because I didn't have a "theme." The best writing that I read on the internet all has a point or a direction and that's never really been me. I like to just sit down and go. Whatever is bubbling at the top of my brain gets written about. That is the whole reason I had to stop writing during the figure-things-out stage of my divorce. Every extra thought was consumed with taking a major loss and it wouldn't have been fair to air that out in public.
But now that I'm almost on the other side of all that, the idea of scratching my creative crabs makes a little more sense. There are no ones feelings left to hurt save my own and if I'm the one doing the writing then, tough shit, me. The podcast thing adds another layer of anxiety because its easy to be relatively anonymous behind a keyboard. Your recorded voice is another matter altogether. And don't think that I have delusions of grandeur. There are a million podcasts in the world but it only takes one asshole who knows me to stumble across it uninvited to cause me some troubles professionally.
That might seem strange just reading my stuff but at work a certain level of professionalism is required. Not that I would knowingly put my job in danger but when I get rolling with my friends most rules of polite society go out the window. And not everyone is everyone else's cup of tea as is evident by recent historic events. I don't know. My interest is peaked but my spider sense is tingling. I need to think this through a bit more.