It’s almost time to gather with my friends and I’m giddy as a schoolgirl. I have no idea why schoolgirls get tagged in that particular phrase because it has been my experience that young boys are universally unhinged… but what the hell do I or the obvious dudes from the sixteen hundreds who originally began writing that crap know? Anyway, speaking of boys misbehaving (all hail the return of the thought dead segue king!) I am one short week away from meeting up with my friends for a solid weekend of good time. For those who don’t know I will briefly explain.
Twice a year more than a dozen of my friends meet up at a house to have fun. In the summer it is around water and in the winter it just needs room enough to sleep everyone, play poker, play Mexican, avoid Dave’s hideously loud speakers, and TVs to watch the Super Bowl. We eat too much and drink too much and laugh to the point where it hurts which could also be a byproduct of my current lack of core strength.
These two weekends are the highlights of my year and especially since my departure from the state they are everything. Even if you took out all of the activities there is something about uninterrupted friend time with little to no agenda that is hard to beat. It helps that I have me some funny friends and if we didn’t have a strict no recording policy I would love to have tape rolling the entire weekend. Alas, some of our comments could be misconstrued if they fell into the wrong hands. Plus the pressure of recording might wreck it. Best to stick with what we do well and just hang out together.
While cleaning my digital house I came across a video note to myself that made me laugh from last winter. Please ignore my mild inhebriation and the old man angle I’m holding my phone at as I try to preserve a thought for posterity. Another testament to my own ignorance as I film directly into a light. I actually think I was trying to record an audio note to myself but ended up here. Fun fact, this was the weekend that preceded my attempts at life alteration. Anyway, now to see if I can figure out how to upload a video to this newsletter thing…