one crabby beyatch
My current status is: Asshole. I identify as Tired, Hung Over, and in a general shit mood but I had a great time last night. One might say too great a time. I think I got to bed somewhere around 2:30am and needless to say - mistakes were made. All of said same were lapses in judgment on my part as I should have taken an old person shuttle back to the hotel early.
The wedding itself was awesome. Great couple, great people, great venue, great party, and I got to hang out with my kids. As I was going through the evenings camera roll this shot made me laugh
This is two of my three and me with that hammered blur being my youngest. By that point my wise eldest child and her fiancé had made the smart choice to exit but we were still there as the band was packing up. I laughed at this picture because my son might have a repetitive stress injury from being in a constant state of air guitar but for some reason he chose to grip a drink at this point in his strumming hand thus disproving the popular theory that he might have been on the brink of breaking a record. (apologies for that awful run-on sentence but I am too tired for corrections at this point)
I woke up this morning at 7:30am pissed at myself for going to sleep with all lights on in the hotel room only to find that it was the pesky sun burning my retinas through my eyelids. I tried to go back to sleep but the interruption ruined the rest and it was time to start my day. Near the end of the evening I lost the boy but found him early through the wonders of technology and delivered him to his ride. Said goodbye to the kids and hit the road.
Experiencing the many stages of a hangover whilst driving is NOT recommended. Even the supposed life saving McDonalds breakfast food was of no help. And the more I drove the crabbier I got. Traffic straight sucked. Construction plagued my entire four state trek and what should have been a little over seven hour drive was more than nine in total. Holy Hell drivers on the highway who stubbornly go the speed “limit” in the left lane!!!!!!!!!!!!
By my second pit stop I was even complaining about the people in the gas stations. Entire families stopped dead in the isles as if snack foods had just been invented and they were simultaneously learning how to read. I almost gave a lecture on how to make your pop and get out of the way so the next person can get one. I was two people back as I watched and asshole sip down the foam so he could get another quick shot of chemically enhanced water. Take your time fuckface there is no one else in the world but you.
Anyway, you get the gist. Thankfully I took a gap day off tomorrow and I need to get out and resupply as cupboard is literally bare. I need to get back to football now. I need to soak up these Sundays while I’ve got them.