*editors/authors note: I tried to post this last week but apparently failed. Please note that this all took place in the past...
I’ve taken a new job at my company and our big yearly meetings have taken a turn as a result. For the past ten years I’ve been able to show up, help as much as possible, and just enjoy the ride. Now I’m one of the people carrying the weight of these things and it’s definitely different. Luckily I have a metric shitton of support so it wasn't that bad but this is the first time I've been truly work uncomfortable in almost 10 years. It helps that the people in my corner I consider friends.
True work friends are hard to come by but worth everything when you find them. Mine are all hard workers and much smarter than I. It’s a small circle but I trust them all and admire each for their individual strengths. Its an added bonus that for the most part they get me and my twisted sense of humor and they are all hilarious as well. I am a lucky man.
The picture above was on my last full night as I had a wedding to attend on Friday that required a Thursday evening flight. (Normally this would not be a thing but I baked it in to my acceptance of the role) I felt like complete shite leaving but it had to be done so I needed to tell the snakes in my head to shut up while I drove to Illinois the next day.
So glad I did. Awesome wedding and great to see everyone. I wish I'd had more time at home as there were people I wanted time with but couldn't make it work. One of my friends had his heart betray him with a sneak attack but he held it off with a trip to the hospital and an emergency pipe lining. Now he has turned that 90% blockage into a do-over. Well done Dave.
My kids make me so proud. Each showed up with their significant other and I truly enjoyed all of their company. Pretty cool when your sole goal is to not raise assholes and then your kids turn out to be great people. This is also back up by independent verification as people kept complimenting me on them. Good Dad moments all.