its coming
I still wasn't quite right until around noon yesterday which has as much to do with my age as an orangecello error in judgement. It was as if my organs were trying to teach me a lesson and in accordance with this admonishment I have placed myself in time-out. Sadly, this will mean that I wont be partaking in any Valentines festivities, but I think I will survive.
One of my recently single friends has identified this upcoming weekend as easy fishing. His arguments all made perfect sense and he has had a two year head start on this life but I am in no hurry to jump back in to the pool. There is also the small fact that I am not officially unwed. At this point its a technicality but I feel that more than three decades deserves a certain measure of respect.
Plus, is fishing when the salmon are running up stream in a genetic attempt to procreate still a sport? It always seemed just kind of mean to me. Dudes with nets snagging horny fish out of the air as they reverse navigate rapids. More sad than anything else.
This delay is brought to me by the good people at COVID. Apparently this has been a record year for divorces thus backing up the virtual courts. So at the end of next week barring some unforeseen delay all will be official. I don't really feel anything right now but I've had a long time to process the upcoming events. I do think that on the last legally married day things will hit me like a pile of bricks. No matter how well I think I am prepared its still a big loss.
To tie this post into a neat little bow my time out officially ends the night before ZOOM Court. My system has until then to recover and prepare for whatever may come and early indicators point towards a doozie.