it has been two weeks since my last...
that bit of sacrilege is brought to you by me driving past my old church earlier this morning.
It has been so long since I las posted I hardly know where to start so I’ll just jump in with the best thing to happen in that time period. I got to attend the Michigan Ohio State game at the Shoe last weekend and it was incredible.
Checking that stadium off of my list was amazing. I didn’t know that it held more than 100,000 people and by the time the game started every seat was full. Michigan was supposed to get killed in the game with the line being set around a 20 point advantage in OSU favor. Everyone knows that’s not what happened and the fact that it was close all the way to the end was wild.
Our crew was cold, drunk, and surrounded but what a great time. We were seated in the Michigan alumni section and at most there were 200 people in our little area cheering for the Wolverines. The band was there down by the field so they probably added another hundred or so but we were incredibly outnumbered.
After the game and after the fights around our section died down we got someone to take a group shot as things on the post-game-field heated up.
I tried to get a picture of the chaos but we were heading down and no one was really happy with us so I had to keep my head on a swivel. The design of the stadium is partially to blame for the trouble as the home team and visitors have to cross when it’s over to get to their respective locker rooms. Ohio State went first and stopped at midfield to prevent an apparently humiliating flag planting. Tiny pepperspray clouds began showing up as regular sized police attempted to control giant armored emotional athletes with little success.
We made it out all right but even the walk home was dicey as our alumni friend couldn’t stop yelling GO BLUE. We stopped at a bar on our way back to the Air B&B but our biggest mistake was not eating anything. Once we were back the crash hit hard. Two of our number rallied an hour later and went to a bar but could only hang for a half hour or so. The entire house was quit by 10:00pm
The next morning was a little bumpy but after brunch at the Cracker Barrel I felt like a hundred dollars and had plenty of fuel for my trip home. Two of us at the table had their hangovers commence during the meal but such is the price paid for excellence. That was a great time.