is this thing on?
Been a weird rollercoaster of a two week period but I think things are about to normalize so I should get back to writing on the regular. I worked from home today which means I was around when I got a surprise delivery. And before you see what I got you should be aware that I am one of the worlds worst gift receivers. I am at an age and point in my life where if I want something I usually buy it for myself. So when unsolicited boxes show up I am dubious. But I had an odd warning as an old friend texted to ask if I was in town this week.
It’s good to have good friends even if they are guilt triggering generous. There was an enormous box full of delicious cow and the king of the selection is depicted in my fist. Once this bullshit diet thing is over at the end of the month me and that dude have a date. I might even go out and buy a little grill and a cast iron pan to celebrate the occasion. I am truly grateful.
It’s eighty degrees here so I went for a walk in the park across the street. Take a look at where I live now.
Minnehaha falls its called and you can still see some unmelted ice because there was 18 inches of snow here just two weeks ago. Apparently it freezes solid in the winter and they light it up from the back. I walked down to the trails below what felt like 300 stairs but I think its south of 100.
Pretty cool and I think I’m going to like it here. There is a restaurant in the park that everyone raves about that’s only open during a set season and tonight happened to be opening night. The line wrapped around the building and up to the street.
I guess I have to add the Sea Salt eatery to my list. I need to go pass out now because that walk kicked my ass. I’ll write more this weekend.