Tomorrow will start another weekend reconnecting with friends and I am ready to leave now. This has been quite a week to put it mildly but its hard to focus on that crap when I have so much fun in my immediate future. The problem is that when something gets to me its like a pebble in my shoe. I can forget it for a while but then once I step wrong, or in this case come across the same odd-unproductive-bullshit behavior... FUCK.
Luckily, for the first time in my professional career, my company has provided me with a coach. After being a business coach for so long I thought the transition would be weird but I really like the other side. An added bonus is that he's from England so his accent is awesome and we genuinely get along. If you know me in person you know that I can be friendly when I want to be but truly enjoying another humans company is a different story. I really like this guy. In fact, if I ever make it over to London (secret nerd desire to visit Sherlock Holmes related landmarks I've read about all my life) I will have a beer or several with this awesome human.
The work we are doing is around how I show up at my job and its fascinating. In this system there is your normal state and then how you are when pressure is applied. Pressure is probably the wrong term because pressure is everywhere so a better phrase is under stress. Nonproductive busywork or meetings about meetings to justify a days work stress me the F out. And not shockingly I turn into a sarcastic dick. (that is not the clinical term as stated by the evaluation I went through but an accurate interpretation) Already through this coaching I have realized that I am contributing to a lot of my problem by acting without thought.
Its almost like wasting time starts a countdown in my brain. And as that time expires the greater chance that trouble will ensue. Just knowing this about myself has helped. When I feel it coming on I go through a set of questions about myself and the person or people who are annoying me. Some insightful shit. And once I started thinking about it most weren't aggravating on purpose they are just different thinkers than your truly. This path isn't all rainbows and unicorns as I have declared (in my mind, to myself) more than one coworker mentally deficient. You have to take the bad with the good.
Anyhow, I'm typing this as I wait for a lunchtime apartment viewing appointment. This thing is just a couple blocks from my office so I can walk to work every day. Ill tell you more once I make my decision but right now this building feels like home. Good start.