I’m not exactly sure why but this place feels more like home than my last apartment. It could be this cool old building or the fact that everything isn’t perfect but I like it here. I’m heading out into the neighborhood this morning in search of breakfast but I wanted to write this as things start to come together.
What I mean by that is all of my shit is getting put away. I’ll include some interior shots next week because I need to take a few to satisfy my mom’s need to make sure I’m okay. If I take those too soon while boxes are still scattered around it will set off a conversation about me being alone. Nope.
Probably a little too close to the feels right now because moving by yourself does suck. I had no one to share the shit his pants guy with as well as just have another person to complain to… But don’t feel any kind of sorry for me. I moved here because I had to for me and asking for help isn’t my strong suit. Plus I really enjoy my independence.
Might post more tonight as I have a planned midnight rendezvous with my youngest near the airport. He and his friends are landing at MSP and heading straight to Ames but I have all of his school things with me. So a handoff it is.