Here's a peek inside
If you are a mental health professional and have some insight, keep it to yourself please. This is a show and tell post.
All kinds of twisted up this weekend because I am about to have a tougher than normal week at work. There was a time in my recent life where I traveled constantly. I would go and consult with various businesses as well as teach classes. Facilitating our material is a lot of fun but it really sucks the energy right out of me. For the last two years my travel has slowed to a comfortable pace and I try to get up in front of a room just enough to keep the rust away. This week I will be conducting two classes back to back which is a marathon of energy consumption. (this means 5 straight days in front of people) I also have some prep work for this event to complete this weekend so my eggs are scrambled.
I am finishing up all of my regular work - and preemptively preparing for a week out of the office - while practicing some of the class work that needs refreshing. This is a long boring explanation of why my brain is swirling. I have a number of ways to get out of my own skull like writing this for example. I am also dabbling in meditation as well as getting back into my long dormant art side of my brain. I have combined two of these things into a creative meditation thing and even though it gives me a full body clench I will show you what that looks like.
Other than a lack of drive and talent there is another reason I am not pursuing Art as a career. I rarely like something five minutes after I finish it. This only applies to drawing and painting but it’s a thing. So when I need to power down the nest of snakes in my head I put on some music and do things like the one depicted above.
When I do this in complete silence they turn out much like you see in this one. I’m not sure if I should be fascinated or worried… So I have just decided to declare it not worth pondering and move on. No matter which way I do this I always feel better.
I have a busy spring with road events and an upcoming move but I have also realized that I like being alone a little too much. It’s time to get back out and start living. The grieving period for a long but definitely over relationship has ended and the time has come. Crap, I’ve got to get back to work.