Happy New Yearish
In a complete reversal from last year I had a pretty good New Years Eve. A friend invited me out for dinner on my birthday because she knew I would most likely be alone and she was in a weird place as well. My rule is If I’m invited, I show up. There are some stipulations about availability and other guest chemistry (like trying to set me up on a blind date or a human being whose very presence sucks the life out of me) but for the most part I appreciate any and all invitations.
This friend and I hang out about once a month and it is a comfortable relationship where we can talk about most things. There are no romantic undertones or tension. Just two friends hanging out to relieve some boredom. She has been through a pile over the last few years and I’m trying to get her back on the dating horse. (That right there was a terrible turn of phrase…) We had a great dinner and returned home before the amateur drinkers turned the streets into a video game.
As I headed up to my apartment I passed the party room and there was a celebration in full swing. I am friendly with the host so as we made eye contact I waved. The next thing I knew I was heading up to my apartment to ditch my coat and grab an armful of booze. I will spare you most of the details but I find that the brilliant sunlight this morning feels like nails being driven into my skull.
I tell you that because I had a reason for the accelerated alcohol consumption and that was a New Years kiss. I am stupid. I was not practicing situational awareness when everyone started counting down to midnight so I didn’t notice the woman I had spoken to earlier moving my way. I yelled Happy New Year like a good party participant and then found myself in a lip lock of preteen intensity.
Not wanting to offend I rode it out but I will tell you there was nothing there. She was a lovely woman and this is not a bad review of her or her technique I just think I personally need some kind of mental connection before I can enjoy something like that. Anyway, enough about my broken brain, after that point she was attached to my hip.
My neighbor was giving me the raised eyebrows and thumbs up but I was shaking off those signs like a pitcher who doesn’t like what his catcher is asking for. I began consuming at an alarming rate. The drunker we both got the less subtle she became until I had to feign a stomach problem with an unenthusiastic “I’ll be right back”
Yup, never went back down. Probably not going to leave my apartment today just to be safe. I am an asshole and I hope she doesn’t spin this up in her own head as anything other than that. I am just not a one night person at this point in my life. I haven’t brought a date “home” in the entire time I’ve lived here and I don’t think that’s going to change anytime soon. I had a great night save that last hour and a half…
Now if you’ll excuse me a circus tumbling act has moved in to my guts and I need to attend the next couple of shows.