Happy New Year!
I haven’t written in here for a while and I think it has to do with the last thing I posted so let’s just pretend that didn’t happen shall we? I had a great Christmas. For the first time since the divorce my entire family headed over to the ex’s house for Christmas Eve and I think a good time was had by all. As the chauffeur for my parents I got to hear all of the pre and post gathering chatter from them and it was all positive which is a bit shocking but welcome. Love seeing everyone and happy for all of my family relationships even the tough ones.
I spent Christmas day with them as well then a couple weird work days and a weekend followed by another work day and a half before my birthday. (the horrendous structure of that last sentence almost perfectly sums up that swirling six days…) My youngest child engineered a surprise party with the help of my family and I was even more shocked as some of my favorite people on the planet drove in from Maryland to celebrate. Some of my favorite food and a pile of beer surrounded by people I love, nothing better. I hope that everyone had the Holidays they wanted this year.
I have an interesting relationship with the next generation in our family. We send each other disturbing images and videos from across the internets in an attempt to elicit reactions from each other. My feed is full of little people getting hurt and doing funny things as well as idiots with guns and other weapons injuring themselves so that is my normal contribution. They all know that I have the perfectly normal and healthy fear of clowns paired with complete distain for the furry community so that is the crap they send back. This is to help you understand my birthday sign that greeted me upon entry to the party.
I also got a stash to wear for the night as well as a pile of cards that each made me uncomfortable in different ways.
I took pictures as to preserve the memories without holding on to the stuff. And besides, I couldn’t stare at that obviously poorly planned sign every day without making some corrections. Before I threw it away I had decided on & symbols to replace the sideways AND but that was just my brain reminding me of who I am at my core. I also know that they know the thing would annoy me but I couldn’t admit it in their presence. Well played children, well played. BTW this is the kind of shit they send my way…
No. Nope.
I’ve got more to write about but I derailed my own train so I’ll get back to this over the weekend. I need to sit here and grumble to myself like the old man that I am. If you are a member of the furry community and have somehow stumbled on this nonsense move along and don’t bother trying to convert me. Your comments will not bring the reaction that you desire and I am oh so stubborn.