gut check time
I am through with a lot of noise in my life because most of it was caused by this guy. Your company has stopped making sense… shut the fuck up and find a new job. You’re all up in your feels about not being closer to friends and family… see earlier STFU and make sure you can relocate somewhere closer. Complaining is the easiest thing to do. Not sure why our my brains are is wired that way but I know I can work on that. (I left the strikethrough corrections in to visually punish myself for impersonating a brain scientist)
This way of thinking is brought to me by the final session with a therapist that I loved. She is retiring from the online thing and I am sorry to see her snarky self go. As a parting gift she lit me on fire about some things we have been discussing for a while including my incessant whining about work insanity. I tried to defend myself (pro tip: this is a bad idea when competing with a mental health professional) but the reason that she worked so well for me was her logic based thinking. My only win during the final sad session was getting her to cosign some of my oversimplified swearing and join in. This is probably my favorite exchange in the past almost two years.
“So you’re saying I need to stop being a little bitch.” “Yes” she replied, “the less you use that self-pitying bitch in your brain the better off you will be.” (holy hell I just got all jammed up about when to use quotes while typing a conversation. Screw it, I’ll bold the doctor…and now I am a punctuation bitch)
There was a ton that we covered including a deep dive into my dating. I got hit with some truth hurts. She got me to admit some things I’d been dancing around for a while. I won’t bore you with really personal details that I probably wouldn’t share anyway but it boiled down to the fact that I have no business dating right now. Got some other stuff to figure out first and I’ll leave it at that. Enough about this crap I’ve officially bored myself.
This morning during my walk the Pagan Pride festival was setting up. I would have taken some pictures of folks in robes, pointy hats, hand made olde timey clothes, and all other manner of smelly accouterment, but you never know with this shit. What if one of these nuts actually has powers of some kind? I just told you I am getting serious about finding a new gig and a goiter placed by a witch is not a good interview look. Plus I already have to wear extra long ties I’m not sure what I’d do if I developed a frog pouch.
You might think those folks could conjure up better overall aesthetics. Most of this crowd doesn’t give off personal hygiene vibes. Even the folks setting up the booths smelled of patchouli oil and depression. I can officially scratch paganism off of my curiosity list.
One last note; I think the Jesus crowd got wind of this and were not happy. Further down the road some of the God Squad was hanging up signs advertising a Run for Christ. Interesting choice of counter programming but if these folks want to try and lure any of the Pagans into their camp might I suggest an eating competition of some sort? Not throwing shade for any Druid propaganda monitors who might be listening. Just pointing out that the crowd I saw was not the fun run set.