Finally turned this shitship around
If you are a regular you already know I’ve been going through a bit of a rough patch lately but that all changed yesterday afternoon. For years I’ve bin a fan (true sense of the word leaning toward fanatic) of a company called Saddleback Leather. I’ve followed the company and it’s founder like a rockstar. I’ve bought and sold more than 20 items and currently own two bags and some other assorted awesomeness.
The company I was training knew of my love and arranged for a private tour of their facility when the class ended. I was over the moon which I’ll interpret as Augustus Gloop heading to see Wonka.
Neither of my hosts were well versed in the company or it’s products and they were still in the process of moving into a brand new space so this was a huge favor. Pulling up to the building as you can see from the first picture was a little underwhelming. But once we got inside things changed.
I was in my element. The girl doing our tour didn’t have to speak much because I was prattling on like a psychopath. It was great. And just as we were leaving one of my companions spotted a huge hand carved chess set in the employee area that he asked to see. When we walked back we were greeted by Dave himself. I was at a rare loss for words but soon recovered. We ended up talking to him for more than a half hour.
I’m not usually one for Devine providence but… I told you that the company I was with just moved and the owner was talking about getting the old building ready to rent. I should mention that you only need to spend a little time with him to know you are hanging out with a man of god. Not pushy or preachy, it just permeates his being. I should also tell you that Dave Monson (Saddleback) is also a man of conviction. So during our tour we learned that they were looking for new space and while we were talking to Dave (shut up. I met him) I asked the owner if he was going to make his pitch.
Coincidence? Maybe but I think it was something more. He wasn’t even supposed to go with us originally and on the way he asked if we were really on the way to look at purses… (that was a clean shot by the way and I acknowledged it as such) I’m just throwing it out there but a lot aligned to make that moment happen and I could have facilitated the move of a company I love. Pretty great end to a training if not my best yet.