Final notes from the fair
As I was getting ready for my week on a Monday afternoon which still feels off by the way, I was going through my Notes Inbox and found some that made me smile.
I think for the most part those are self explanatory so I feel no need to enhance any of those stories. I did feel bad for the sword swallowing kid however because his stomach chose violence.
My own guts are still not pleased with me and I don’t blame them one bit. I went for another walk just a little while ago without bothering to check the weather. There was a delightful breeze when I walked out and I began my journey on my tree lined street. At one point turns were taken and mistakes were made which put me in a full sun stretch for twenty minutes. When I got back it looked like I had been swimming so I stripped and laid down on the tile floor.
When that didn’t get my core temperature corrected I took a cold shower which did the trick but my body had something to say about my behavior over the last two weeks. So I am flushing all weekly preparations in favor of feeling better. I type this to you as a way to accomplish something before I close the curtains and crank the air most likely drifting off to sleep. Sounds kind of nice.
Enjoy your Labor Day.