delay of game
It was a tough start for yours truly yesterday as I sit here at the mid-winter classic (Super Bowl weekend every year). I sat up at 5:15am and couldn’t get back to sleep like a kid on Christmas morning. I got ready and then continued to clean my apartment. I love coming back hungover to a completely clean house including clean sheets and towels. My normal post boys weekend move it to return home, start the load of laundry, shower, recover. Tomorrow I’ll have to add a step and secure food, but holy crap this post just took a boring rambling turn.
I left at the perfect time to get me there at the same time as the first carload of friends. Unfortunately this put me in the retina burning path of the rising sun. I took an exit and killed a half hour filling my tank and grabbing breakfast. Just enough detour so my visors were not rendered useless. Back on the road I was overcome with a sense of peace. These weekends are the best.
The only problem is when we gather the consumption reaches dangerous levels. Already laughed so much my voice is in danger and it turns out that eating like a teenager might not be the best for my system. The biggest mistake I’ve made so far was stacking edibles. I should have known when I had trouble adding up the milligrams that I shouldn’t eat anymore. Then I was in charge of ordering pizza (it’s what I brought for food. Tom orders pizza) and that went a little south. I only ordered pies with funny names. Okay they weren’t really funny names but I was super-high.
Then weird things began to happen. TV wasn’t making sense and I was having trouble tracking thoughts not to mention conversations. So I disappeared down to my basement bedroom in an attempt to sleep my way through the rollercoaster. Nope. I had a scary up and down battle with sleep and creepy dreams. I’m officially taking THC off of my permanent list. My system doesn’t process that shit correctly.
I’m typing this right now in an effort to delay jumping back into the party pool. I’m staring at the beer threatening to freeze solid the second I open it. My hungover brain is having trouble thinking of things to type so I think I’ve delayed this game long enough. Side note: I am resisting the urge to live type some of your names as you are all around me. Weird typing with you in the room…