cult curious
I used to think I might be able to retreat to a little cabin deep in the woods. Off grid homesteading has an appeal for me for a reason I've never been able to adequately articulate. It just seems so simple and peaceful. But now that I find myself drowning an an abundance of tranquility I'm calling bullshit on myself. If I couldn't get out of this house apartment and interact with other humans I would go nuts.
Even my potential hobbies are severely curtailed by pandemic restrictions. Holy shit that last sentence was written by an asshole! I need to apologize for the fact that I'm currently writing like a thesaurus but I have been reading like a fiend and the current book is a level above my baseline vocabulary. So my brain is attempting to keep up. apologies
In other news: I stalked someone today. That's a sentence I should just leave stand all by it's self but I need to elaborate. I told you earlier there was a cult across the street. (I love the fact that I can write that by the way) But they are a secretive little sect. They have no internet presence and the only things written about them are from four plus years ago. In fact I don't think they actively recruit, thus making them very exclusive and making me want any information that much more...
So I was taking a brisk constitutional this morning and one of the members walked outside and headed up our block. I was headed home but we were going in the same direction and the only thing on my nonexistent schedule today was football so I followed. He walked in to a little convenience store that I had written off as too sketchy for my patronage but I was on the hunt so I followed. Once inside, I should mention that the place is tiny and crammed full of crap, I tried to see what he was buying so I could find a way to spark a conversation but nope. I got nothing.
In fact when I looked down at a shelf to find a courtesy purchase he paid and scooted out before I knew what happened. When I made it out to the street he was gone. I WILL find things out even if it means joining. Is cult member really that different from joining the Saint Paul Curling Club?