I am sitting down to write in an effort to make the post I wrote yesterday go away. I realize that is not how the internet works and the fact that I shifted formats doesn’t help. In the old days I could just go in a write up a storm in the hope that my readers would just read the one on top and give up after that. Now this lands in your email I have a lower than average chance. But there is always hope and that is what inspires me to push on.
I walked out of my building this morning to this nonsense depicted above. When you don’t watch the news or pay much attention in general this stuff can sneak up on you. Especially when it was 80 degrees just two days ago in my uninformed defense.
I was trying to get a cool picture of the art gallery I live above but it was unexpectedly cold as hell and my glasses were beaded up with sleet-snow so I took this shot on-the-hop drive-by-style. (the new single sentence high hyphen mark has been set at 5)
When I got up to the office the view was cool if not a little eerie.
I’m gonna miss this building when we relocate in the future. Also, I have no idea what’s going on with this picture… I might have moved, or the high-rise glass could be doing something to the phone pressed against it, or my camera was just tripping balls.
And then when I sat down the greatest desk calendar ever given as a gift started my morning right. I love to swear. I am a semiprofessional swearologist and unafraid to show off my gifts. I should probably cut back a bit as I found myself dropping F-Bombs in front of Mom when I was home last but throw that on the pile of potential self-improvements. (pretty sure that’s not hyphenated but I’m on a bit of a roll so I’m going with it)
I am really showing my internet writing age with this one. Not so long ago that many pictures in one post would have been enough to knock any embarrassing subject matter right off the first page. Alas, I am now just jamming up your inboxes. And speaking of inboxes (all hail the return of the segue king) you might have noticed the subscribe buttons that have appeared… Those aren’t necessarily for those of you who have already signed up for this waterboarding but from someone who might stumble upon on by happenstance. Circulation is now just into the double digits. Its all about progress people. Thank you for your support.