Been a while
I am having a work related existential crisis. (That right there was a terrible way to describe what’s going on but my eggs are a bit scrambled at the moment.) I moved to Saint Paul for a number of reasons related to the need for a change of scenery after a long failed marriage plus an immediate need for more money. The facts are that a salary barely supporting a married lifestyle can’t sustain multiple households and other family obligations. More money had to be made just to keep things level.
This part of the country was chosen solely due to a job that I loved for a company I adored. And now that things have shifted in that regard I’m jammed up. It’s not fair to complain about work here so I won’t get into specifics. An easy way to sum up is I am no longer happy.
There are those reading this who would probably think changing jobs is the easy answer and you’re not wrong. But I still love a lot of the people I work with, I love my team, and if I’m not going to work at this company there’s no reason to live this close to the top of the world. (Apologies Flat Earthers, I’m team Round) I’ve also reached a financial stasis where I’m not gaining ground but everything is covered and I need it to remain that way until summer at least.
Events happening in the world are not helping the lower arc of this mood swing. A war threatening to ignite in Europe brought me back forty years when the Russians acting nuts was a constant. This all has me overthinking everything. The professional I pay to help me through such things thinks I still haven’t properly dealt with the marriage dissolution but for fucks-sake it’s been long enough. Plus, what does she know? She lives in my iPad and I’m not completely convinced she’s real.
I write this with the intention of using it as my final whine. I will no longer entertain shitty thoughts about my situation because I have a lot to do. His weekend marks the beginning of my move. I’m starting to pack and organize all the things. That building depicted above is my new destination at least for the next year. It’s the Pioneer Endicott building and I’m headed to the taller part of that tower. I will document the move and the stories should improve as I head into deepest weirdest downtown Saint Paul.
A side note: the cult across the street from my current place is just boring. I think when the OG leader passed away things went from maniacal cult to a mini form of communism and where’s the fun in that?