Back in the saddle again
I have once again hit the road for work and flying is still weird. The mask thing, empty airports, weird snack bags, etc. The only offset is that prices are low but that doesn’t really matter to me because my company pays. Anyway, I landed in Austin and my Uber app was acting up so I took a good old fashioned taxi.
I had to take this picture stealth style so I wouldn’t distract my driver. We were listening to the gospel station and all I could think was if asked Jesus would refuse to take this wheel. Nope, not this piece of shit. Hard no.
The dashboard warning lights were blinking on and off like a tiny club dj was working them at a concert. Windshield cracked all the way across. Seated on a pile of bed pillows because “seat no work no mo”
I was going to record a video but the noise and shaking made it unbearable to watch and got me a bit dizzy while filming but that might have been the exhaust leaking through the floorboards err... floorslats. Scared, screaming headache, and my bags when removed from the trunk were hot to the touch. Travel is glamorous.