and now back to the show
I needed a bit of a mental break, so, if you were one of the three people stopping by to see if I'd written yet, I apologize. (I obviously didn't go away to grammar camp because that first sentence seemed like I was being paid by the comma) I was ready to light someone on fire last week but decided that no good would come from the confrontation. I got a little more clarity on who exactly thinks its okay to talk shit about my family situation. The person and then by association people in question are of no consequence to me but they are upsetting human beings that I care for deeply and that's what twisted me up. (that sentence could have used a break but I'm gun shy now)
I have a deep but volatile BitchSwitch and if you need an explanation it basically means that once I am truly triggered - shit is going to happen. I should have been born in a time where improperly placed words carried potential physical consequences. I wasn't mad enough to hurt anyone but I had some weaponized words loaded and ready for launch. Letting those go undelivered is one of the toughest things for me to do and is the reason for my hiatus. I even thought about writing out a one act play for each of the phone calls but decided that would be almost worse than actually having the conversations.
This forum isnt really direct communication so I would in fact be doing what I was getting pissed about. It took me four days to come to that conclusion and by that time I was headed to my cousins house for a weekend of relaxing and watching basketball. There is nothing better than people who get your sense of humor and are dam funny themselves. There is real power in being forged by the same crazy fire. We were working on her rap name which is still in flux but her tag line could end up on her tombstone. "She might be small but she can carry a BIG grudge."
(and I know, that paragraph kind of turned into me mentally chanting the word her. I really need to do this more just to practice.)
Good times.