all over
I spent a rainy Saturday on the golf course and it was glorious. The rain kept all but the heartiest enthusiasts off of the links so my friend and I completed 18 holes in a pleasant three hours. The course was so happy to see us they offered two separate carts at no charge to speed our play even further but we declined. Part of the fun is talking shit whilst I suck at this particular exhibition of skill, err, lack their of. (holy crap that sentence was a train wreck. apologies, I got distracted for a second there)
A great day all around as I just finished a book I've been working on all week. And now I sit regretting my decision to halt the dating search. I am officially reversing my earlier decision on set-ups. There will be some clear rules established including an upfront discussion about what happens if things go sideways and end up in a ditch. I know there are drawbacks but the pluses are beginning to outweigh the negatives.
A big factor in my new decision is your friends can tell you about any bumps that might takes weeks of dating to show up. Phychopathic former relations, disturbing behavioral patterns, etc. Most friends will let you know the potential trouble spots so they won't blow back on them at a later date. There are few things worse than a "YOU KNEW."
So that's that. I just woke up from my post golf nap and sat down to catch up on some work. I figured I could write on this thing for a minute as a procrastination justification. Plus I just had some weird ass dreams which could be alcohol related but one of them had to do with sightseeing wildlife. This morning outside me window I was greeted by two giant turkeys attempting to join the cult across the street.
No idea what these two are doing but the one had definitely spotted me after I zoomed in. Yup, my life.