I ran in to an old friend over the weekend and I have no idea what’s going on but within the 15 minute span of us catching up he repeated a version of the same story 3 times. So alarming was this that I thought for a second he was fucking with me. And then I started to wonder if I had wronged him in some way. Holy Aging Hells I think he might have an early touch of the Heimer’s which immediately triggered a use for the very scary but already a thing, Artificial Intelligence.
I can’t stand the fact that our phones are always listening and computers are basically shaping our lives in uncomfortable ways but if it’s coming it might as well help. My idea is that once we get a wearable that can interact with us and not let anyone around in on the communication it would be nice if my brain chip or whatever it is could warn me if I was repeating a story. Keep track of who I told what and vibrate my fillings or something if I repeat myself.
I left that interaction on Saturday all jammed up. I was in a shit mood for the rest of the day and had trouble pulling out. This is where I tend to think I might need a casual relationship in my life to help distract me from myself. Even the occasional scandalous picture to reset my caveman brain. I think I just typed out a not-so-subtle request for nudes to an audience made up of mostly dudes that are my friends… Resist the temptation you assholes and I do mean YOU.
The earlier thought that I might have wronged this individual was not far from a possible reality. No one is the villain of their own story but I am well aware that I have had some extreme flashes of asshole throughout my life. The trouble that was happening while I knew that particular person related directly to my amount of time on the planet. When I was young I was self absorbed which meant sometimes I would act without thinking and most times I didn’t realize that I’d screwed up until well after the fact.
The bad things I can remember make me want to change mental channels immediately after recollection. All I can do is keep looking forward and try to do better… I’ve come a long way because I’m writing this as I sit in the airport waiting for a night flight and I just watched a complete animal take a sandwich from the lounge buffet with his hand and put it back without saying a word. I did use my plate to harvest the offending sandwich as well as any it touched and set them all in the dish collecting robot along with the tongs that I rendered unclean.
This thing looks innocuous while it leans against a post and charges but once it’s on the move it turns into a menace. It can’t tell what’s what and randomly comes to a dead stop for no reason. People also don’t understand that piling things up on a moving system is a bad idea. I’m not really sure how it helps to be quite frank because there is always a worker following behind the mess it leaves. Anyway, now I’m rambling but I need to leave you with one from last week.
I am pretty open with my distain for clowns and really any adults in disguise. So I’ll leave you with my final Lyft driver of last week…
Had to take that picture stealth style lest I get pulled into a sewer or some other horror related nightmare. Rarely do I spend an entire ride locked in on the driver.