For the last ten or more years a group of friends has gathered for threeish days of laughter and poor decisions. It’s one summer weekend planned a year in advance to minimize overbooking and excuses. Every year but this one we’ve stayed at a house that I had marital and financial ties to but like all good things that came to an end.
So this year was filled with some trepidation as we rented a new place halfway between Arlington Heights and Saint Paul. It turns out that the house doesn’t matter as much as the people. We were spoiled for a long time by a perfect situation but this one is by no means bad, just different.
I write this shivering on an early morning deck trying to stem the pounding in my head and the fire in my guts. I found some way to etch my phone screen last night which is currently annoying me but such is the price of fun.
My stomach also hurts from laughing but that most likely has something to do with a complete lack of core muscle use in my normal life. I love these guys and meeting them to hang out. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to tend to an unexpected hot-burp.