ahh, why not.
I have definitely come on the other side of this Diet Coke nonsense and this is going to end my writing about the topic. In the world of addiction it has to be one of the softest most embarrassing things out there and I’m going to pretend from here on out that it never happened. But before I put that in my rear-view mirror I have a couple observations. First, this whole thing was about giving myself treats. Diet Coke was a treat that I could feel good about because it wasn’t making me high, it didn’t have sugar, and that made me feel like it was “better.” Complete bullshit but I convinced myself that this really sweet poison was a guilt free treat.
have a bad day… time for a treat.
about to go into a meeting you are dreading… pour a treat
feel shitty about ANYTHING… treat
You get the idea. And it wasn’t so much the taste either. Truth be told it kind of sucks. I think for me a big part of the addiction was the ritual of preparation. In fact its that first one in the morning where you fill the cup to the top with ice and slowly pour it in until the fizz bounces up from the bottom threatening to overflow. And throughout the day the constant back and forth between ice levels and pop levels. Like the simpleton I am, it kept me entertained.
So now I’m trying to do the same thing with water and while its not the same it will have to do. A couple things about water I’ve discovered in my brief one week affair.
water never goes flat (unless you get some with bubbles smartass)
water is everywhere (we contract with a lot of Pepsi exclusive hotels… “Will Diet Pepsi be okay?” hmmm… Will Monopoly money be okay?)
No one gives you the stink eye for ordering more water.
Side note: I have no idea why I’ve turned into the list guy all of a sudden. stopping now.
Anyway, the DC removal was just step one of the nutritionists evil plan. Now we are resetting my body by eating like a conscientious adult for the next month. I wont bore you with the details but its things like lean protein, certain vegetables, certain fruits, all in measured portions and at specific times. I agreed to this after realizing I needed some professional help regarding my relationship with food. This is supposed to help my body understand the rules even though it means a no fun March.
I agreed to this after the nutritionist called bullshit on my “keto” eating. Turns out I was using that diet plan as an excuse to consume unlimited amounts of the things I loved eating. Ditching bread and sweets wasn’t that troubling when I could cram my gullet full of delicious meats and cheeses. I hate it when my justified behavior is defeated by logic. Oh well. Why not. Time to focus on finding a new place to call home.